Top 5 Tips to Help Manage Stress

 In General

Stress is a common problem for thousands of people across the globe, but there are numerous ways to help you manage and reduce your stress levels. Not all stress is bad – it helps to drive and motivate you, so that you can meet deadlines and work to the best standard possible. However, extreme amounts of stress will take a toll on your health, impacting your immune system and affecting your mental health. Here are a few tips to help you manage and stay on top of everything, therefore helping you reduce your stress levels!



Exercise may seem like a ridiculous suggestion if you feel like you’re constantly trying to catch-up with yourself and there aren’t enough hours in the day. However, you shouldn’t ever underestimate the power of exercise and the positive impact it will have on your stress levels and welfare. This is because exercise releases a chemical that acts as a natural pain killer – endorphins. These endorphins are an energy booster that improves your mood and helps you sleep, which in turn will help you cope and manage your stresses much better. You don’t need to commit to a seven-day-a-week gym membership – just a 20-minute stroll around the block or a 15 minute jog in the park when you’re feeling particularly stressed will have an immediate effect, and last for a few hours.


Use softwares to help manage your workflow 

With a variety of softwares and gadgets available to help you work from home, being a small business owner certainly does come with its perks. However, because you have so much do, it can feel a little overwhelming from time to time. Sorting out your business’s accounting and tax returns comes with a wide range of stresses and issues – so why not outsource your accounting needs and utilise accounting software such as Xero, so that you can stay on top of your business’s finances, and leave the experts to do the rest? After all, it will give you one less thing to worry about.


Write a list and prioritise

Write a list of all the tasks you need to complete. Now you’ve done that, mark which ones are a priority that must get done that day. Now write a list with just those items. You won’t feel as overwhelmed and your stress levels will improve! Managing your day to day routine will free up some spare time and streamline your day.


Have a social media hiatus

Social media is a great platform where you can connect with friends and family,  and engage with content that makes you happy. However, social media is also filled with negative posts that can upset us, stress us out or make us feel angry. If you’re feeling stressed, you need to log out of your social media accounts and disconnect for a while. You’ll find that your stress levels have decreased, and those few hours or days offline might even give you inspiration for your next project!


Learn to say ‘No’

A lot of stress comes from having too much to do, with no time to do it all. Even when you know you’ve got too much on your plate, you’re probably saying ‘yes’ to jobs that have little to do with your role, and are taking on additional responsibilities. You need to start saying ‘no’ and focus on what you’ve already got to do. Don’t feel bad for doing this – saying ‘no’ doesn’t mean you’re not a caring or nice person, it just means your prioritising the list of jobs you already need to complete.


If you’re self-employed and looking for ways to get that work-life balance, then this blog is for you!

Get in touch with 3 Wise Bears Today 

Here at 3 Wise Bears we offer an amazing accounting solution landlords and self employed people. Our accounting software will help you manage your stresses. Contact us here at 3 Wise Bears today to speak to our team of accounting experts.

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